Extension Council and Executive Board
The Reno County Extension Council consists of 24 publicly elected citizens. Council members are elected each fall to serve on one of four, six person Program Development Committees. They are: Agriculture, 4-H and Youth Development, Family and Consumer Science and Community Development/Technology. The Program Development Committees give grassroots guidance to the educational programs which will be conducted by the Extension staff each year.
The Reno County Extension Executive Board consists of nine members who are elected from within the 24 member Extension Council. The Executive board meets monthly to provide additional program guidance, and is responsible for the direct oversight of the Extension program and receives direct reports from the Extension staff.
All people of voting age who are residents of Reno County are encouraged to come and vote at Extension Council Elections. Elections are usually held in October. Your voice is important to us as we elect council members to help plan effective educational programming efforts for the residents of Reno County. Members are elected for a two year term and may be elected for two consecutive terms. The Extension Council members serve on Program Development Committees in the four program areas and help the Extension staff to plan programs according to the needs of people living in Reno County.
Elected members of the Extension Council (Program Development Committees) are charged with giving input to local and statewide efforts in identifying information needed to address social, economic and environmental concerns of Reno County.
Interested in Serving on the Extension Council? County residents are encouraged to represent their district on the Extension Council. If you are interested in serving on the Extension Council, contact the Extension Office for further instructions.